NODE - 2022.1 English

Vivado Design Suite Properties Reference Guide

Document ID
Release Date
2022.1 English



Figure 2-30:      NODE Objects

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-30


A NODE is a device object used for routing connections, or NETs, on the Xilinx part. It is a collection of WIREs, spanning across multiple tiles, that are physically and electrically connected together. A NODE can connect to a single SITE_PIN, or connect to no pins, serving instead to simply carry NETs into, out of, or across the SITE. A NODE can connect to any number of PIPs, and can also be driven by a tie-off.

Related Objects

As seen in Figure 2-30, page 112, NODE objects are related to SLRs, TILEs, NETs, SITE_PINs, WIREs, PIPs, and other NODEs. You can query the NODEs by using a form of the following Tcl command:

get_nodes -of_objects [get_nets cpuClk]

You can also query the SLRs, and TILEs that NODEs are located in, or PIPs, SITE_PINS, SPEED_MODELs, WIREs associated with specific NODEs:

get_slrs -of_objects [get_nodes LIOB33_SING_X0Y199/IOB_T_OUT0]


The properties on a NODE object can be reported with a command such as the following:

report_property -all [lindex [get_nodes -filter {IS_COMPLETE}] 0]


TIP:   Due to the number of NODEs on a device, using the get_nodes Tcl command without -of_objects or -filters to narrow the results is not recommended.

The properties include the following, with example values:

Property        Type    Read-only  Value

CLASS           string  true       node

COST_CODE       int     true       14

COST_CODE_NAME  enum    true       OUTBOUND

IS_BAD          bool    true       0

IS_COMPLETE     bool    true       1

IS_GND          bool    true       0

IS_INPUT_PIN    bool    true       0

IS_OUTPUT_PIN   bool    true       0

IS_PIN          bool    true       0

IS_VCC          bool    true       0

NAME            string  true       CLBLL_L_X2Y50/CLBLL_LOGIC_OUTS4

NUM_WIRES       int     true       2

PIN_WIRE        int     true       65535

SPEED_CLASS     int     true       191