Reconfigurable Stage Twos - 1.3 English - PG213

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Guide (PG213)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

UltraScale+ devices support a new methodology for Field Updates, called Reconfigurable Stage Twos. This solution provides more flexibility in how bitstreams are delivered to configure and reconfigure the user application, and reduces the number of bitstreams that must be managed.

Note: This feature is not available for UltraScale, because it relies on silicon features not available in the older architecture.

Essentially with Reconfigurable Stage Twos, stage 2 bitstreams can act as partial bitstreams, and therefore they are interchangeable when paired with a fixed stage 1 bitstream. You can pick between any compatible stage 2 bitstream to complete the initial configuration of a device, then return to these same stage 2 bitstreams to partially reconfigure the device, loading a new user application on the fly. The PCIe endpoint remains up and linked through these transitions and is used as the pathway for bitstream delivery.

Compatible in this case means that these stage 2 bitstreams are created using the Dynamic Function eXchange design flow, where the PCIe IP is the static design and everything else is placed within a Reconfigurable Partition. As long as the implementation of the PCIe IP design is locked, PR Verify will validate the compatibility of all stage 2 designs, ensuring a safe environment where these bitstreams are delivered to the target device.

While it is still possible to create traditional partial bitstreams for Tandem PCIe with Field Updates in UltraScale+ devices, these bitstreams must not be used as stage 2 bitstreams. They can only be used for dynamic reconfiguration of user applications and must not be used to complete an initial boot of the device.
Through Vivado 2019.2, stage 2 bitstreams are missing some configuration frames which might cause designs to behave incorrectly after a dynamic reconfiguration. This issue was resolved in Vivado 2020.1, but if older versions must be used continue to use the solution with separate bitstreams for stage 2 and partial reconfiguration. For more information and details on the workaround, see AR 71877.