Programmed Input/Output: Endpoint Example Design - 1.3 English - PG213

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Guide (PG213)

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1.3 English

Programmed Input/Output (PIO) transactions are generally used by a PCI Express® system host CPU to access Memory Mapped Input/Output (MMIO) and Configuration Mapped Input/Output (CMIO) locations in the PCI Express logic. Endpoints for PCI Express accept Memory and I/O Write transactions and respond to Memory and I/O Read transactions with Completion with Data transactions.

The PIO example design (PIO design) is included with the core in Endpoint configuration generated by the AMD Vivado™ IP Core catalog, which allows you to bring up your system board with a known established working design to verify the link and functionality of the board.

The PIO design Port Model is shared by the core, Endpoint Block Plus for PCI Express, and Endpoint PIPE for PCI Express solutions. This section generically represents all solutions using the name Endpoint for PCI Express (or Endpoint for PCIe® ).