The core has the capability to start the transfer of a new request on the requester completion interface in the same beat when the previous request has ended on or before Dword position 7 on the data bus. This straddle option is enabled during core customization in the AMD Vivado™ IDE. The straddle option can be used only with the Dword-aligned mode.
When the straddle option is enabled, request TLPs are transferred on the
AXI4-Stream interface as a continuous stream, with
no packet boundaries. Thus, the signals m_axis_cq_tkeep
and m_axis_cq_tlast
are not useful in determining the
boundaries of TLPs delivered on the interface (the core sets m_axis_cq_tkeep
to all 1s and m_axis_cq_tlast
to 0 permanently when the straddle option is in use.).
Instead, delineation of TLPs is performed using the following signals provided within
the m_axis_cq_tuser
: The core sets this output to active-High in a beat when there is at least one request TLP starting in the beat. The position of the first byte of the descriptor of this TLP is determined as follows:- If the previous TLP ended before this beat, the first byte of the descriptor is in byte lane 0.
- If a previous TLP is continuing in this beat, the first byte of this
descriptor is in byte lane 32. This is possible only when the previous TLP
ends in the current beat, that is when
is also set.
: The core asserts this output in a beat when there are two request TLPs starting in the same beat. The first TLP always starts at byte position 0 and the second TLP at byte position 32. The core starts a second TLP at byte position 32 only if the previous TLP ended before byte position 32 in the same beat, that is only ifis_eop[0]
is also set in the same beat. -
: This output is used to indicate the end of a request TLP. Its assertion signals that there is at least one TLP ending in this beat. -
: Whenis_eop[0]
is asserted,is_eop0_ptr[3:0]
provides the offset of the last Dword of the corresponding TLP ending in this beat. For TLPs with a payload, the offset for the last byte can be also be determined from the starting address and length of the TLP, or from the byte enable signalsbyte_en[63:0]
. -
: This output is used to indicate that there are two TLPs ending in a beat. Its assertion signals that there is at least one TLP ending in this beat.is_eop[1]
can be set only whenis_eop[0]
is also set. -
: Whenis_eop[1]
is asserted,is_eop1_ptr[3:0]
provides the offset of the last Dword of the second TLP ending in this beat. For TLPs with a payload, the offset for the last byte can be also be determined from the starting address and length of the TLP, or from the byte enable signalsbyte_en[63:0]
. Because the second TLP can start only on byte lane 32, it can only end at a byte lane in the range 47-63. Thus the offsetis_eop1_ptr[3:0]
can only take a value in the range 11-15.
The previous figure illustrates the transfer of four request TLPs on the completer request interface when the straddle option is enabled. For all TLPs, the first Dword of the payload always follows the descriptor without any gaps. The first request TLP (REQ 1) starts at Dword position 0 of Beat 1 and ends in Dword position 5 of Beat 3. The second TLP (REQ 2) starts in Dword position 8 of the same beat. This second TLP has only a four-Dword payload, so it also ends in the same beat. The third and fourth request TLPs are transferred completely in Beat 4, as REQ 3 has only a one-Dword payload and REQ 4 has no payload.