Upgrading in the Vivado Design Suite - 1.3 English - PG213

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Guide (PG213)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

This section provides information about any changes to the user logic or port designations that take place when you upgrade to a more current version of this IP core in the Vivado Design Suite.

Parameter Changes

The following table shows the changes to parameters in the current version of the core.

Table 1. New Parameter
User Parameter Name Display Name New/Change/Removed Details Default Value
axisten_if_enable_rx_msg_intfc Enable RX Message INTFC New When checked, messages are routed to the cfg_msg_received signal at the Receive Message Interface. Otherwise, they are routed to the CQ Interface. False (not checked)
enable_auto_rxeq Enable Auto RxEq New Selects Receiver Equalization in Auto Mode False (not checked)
mcap_fpga_bitstream_version MCAP Bitstream Version register value New Specify the value of the MCAP Bitstream Version register within the MCAP register space. 00000000

Port Changes

The port in the following table appears when Shared logic option GT common in core is selected, and PLL type is not CPLL.

Table 2. New Port
Name I/O Width
ext_qpllxrcalenb O 1 Bit

The ports in the following table appear when Shared logic option GT-Wizard in core is selected.

Table 3. New Ports
Name I/O Width
ext_phy_clk_bufg_gt_ce O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_bufg_gt_reset O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_rst_idle O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_txoutclk O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_bufgtcemask O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_gt_bufgtrstmask O 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_bufgtdiv O 8 Bits
ext_phy_clk_pclk2_gt I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_int_clock I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_pclk I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_phy_pclk2 I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_phy_coreclk I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_phy_userclk I 1 Bit
ext_phy_clk_phy_mcapclk I 1 Bit
ext_qpllxrcalenb O 1 Bit