Details on the Design Scripts - 1.3 English - PG213

UltraScale+ Devices Integrated Block for PCI Express Product Guide (PG213)

Document ID
Release Date
1.3 English

The design_field_updates.tcl script is the master, calling other scripts in the field_update_scripts folder. Set variables in this master script to synthesize and implement only the first version (ver1) or only the second version, (ver2) and use it as a template if additional versions are needed. The fundamental flow is a Dynamic Function eXchange flow. For more details about DFX, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG909). Sample scripts are provided with the Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: Dynamic Function eXchange (UG947).

Here are a few things to note about the scripts.
  • A specific directory structure is defined within the scripts, so it is easiest to follow what is created and used by the examples.
  • Flags can be set on lines 99 to 109 to determine which configurations must be compiled.
    • If only the initial design version is available, all the version 2 flags should be set to 0, and for PR_verify, because there is nothing to compare.
    • Likewise, if version 1 has already been done and you are ready to compile version 2, flip the flags completely to run the version 2 configuration and PR_verify steps.
  • The script is set up for an initial configuration (ver1) and one field update (ver2). To create additional field updates, copy all the references for ver2 to create ver3 and beyond. Another approach is be to globally replace ver2 with ver3, set the flags, and use the second case noted above. If ver1 and ver2 are complete, there is no reason to revisit them.
  • Out-of-context synthesis of the user application modules is managed in the update_verX_synth.tcl scripts (where X represents the version number). Declaration of sources, constraints, and options are done in these files.
  • In-context implementation of each version is managed by the update_verX_impl.tcl scripts. Modify these to change options, add constraint files or generate reports for any version.