STEP 6: CHANNEL_UP Assertion Check - 11.1 English - PG046

Aurora 8B/10B LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG046)

Document ID
Release Date
11.1 English

The criteria for channel_up assertion verification are:

The sequence defined in the Aurora 8B/10B protocol being transferred between channel partners

Successful reception of four verification sequences

Enable loopback mode and check for lane_up assertions. The CHANNEL_INIT_SM module FSM state signals must be brought to debug if channel_up is not asserted. For a simplex link, the simplex TX transceiver might have already achieved channel_up status. If the TX transceiver needs to be reset as per the system design, increase the SIMPLEX_TIMER_VALUE attribute based on the latency between the release of TX_RESET and RX_RESET. See the Channel Verification Procedure in the Aurora 8B/10B Protocol Specification v2.2 (SP002) [Ref 5] for channel_up assertion.