Example A: TX Streaming Data Transfer - 11.1 English - PG046

Aurora 8B/10B LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG046)

Document ID
Release Date
11.1 English

This Figure shows a typical example of streaming data. The Aurora 8B/10B core indicates that it is ready to transfer data by asserting s_axi_tx_tready. One cycle later, the user logic indicates that it is ready to transfer data by asserting the s_axi_tx_tdata bus and the s_axi_tx_tvalid signal. Because both ready signals are now asserted, data D0 is transferred from the user logic to the Aurora 8B/10B core. Data D1 is transferred on the following clock cycle. In this example, the Aurora 8B/10B core deasserts its ready signal, s_axi_tx_tready, and no data is transferred until the next clock cycle when, again, the s_axi_tx_tready signal is asserted. Then the user logic deasserts s_axi_tx_tvalid on the next clock cycle, and no data is transferred until both ready signals are asserted.

Figure 2-14:      Typical Streaming Data Transfer

X-Ref Target - Figure 2-14
