Debugging - 1.0 English - PG320

Advanced IO Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG320)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

This appendix includes details about resources available on the Xilinx Support website and debugging tools.

Steps to insert ILA into a design which includes Advanced IO Wizard:

Advanced IO Wizard is a special core as it involves regenerating of the core post synthesis to support dynamic change of IO LOCs. As this happens post synthesis, the debug_probes added before opt_design will not be valid. So, to support this flow, there are a sequence of steps that must be followed instead of normal synthesis and implementation flow.

On a Vivado design execute the following steps:

  • Run synthesis
  • Open synthesized design
  • Add the new IO LOC XDCs if needed
  • Run opt_design
  • write_checkpoint post_opt.dcp
  • open_checkpoint ./post_opt.dcp
  • All the below steps must be executed in the dcp only
  • Create ILA core and add dbg signals
  • write_checkpoint ./*post_opt.dcp -force
  • implement_debug_core
  • place_design
  • phys_opt_design
  • route_design
  • write_device_image -file <file_name>.pdi