Port | Direction | Clock Domain | Description |
Data Ports | |||
data_from_fabric_<sig_name> [sf*num_pins -1:0] | Input | app_clk | Parallel data input from the interconnect logic to TX NIBBLESLICE. <sig_name> is the signal name configured for TX bus direction during customization. sf is the serialization factor. num_pins is the number of pins associated with the signal. |
data_to_fabric_<sig_name>[sf*num_pins-1:0] | Output | app_clk | Parallel data output to general interconnect logic from RX NIBBLESLICE. <sig_name> is the signal name configured for RX bus direction during customization. sf is the serialization factor. num_pins is the number of pins associated with the signal. |
Clock Ports | |||
fabric clk | Output | NA | The frequency of this is data speed divided by the serialization factor. This is the master XPLL output clock which goes as input to the slave XPLL's. The clock can be used for general interconnect logic for bank 0 when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET is enabled. |
div_clk1 | Output | NA | The frequency of this can be set in Vivado IDE from a list of supported frequencies for the data speed chosen. This is the clk with deskew enabled. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET =1 |
div_clk2 | Output | NA | Frequency of XPLL_CLKOUT2 = data_speed/serialization factor. Serialization factor = the greater of TX and RX serialization factors. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 1 |
pll_clkin | Input | NA | Enabled when the Input Clock to XPLL is through a Clock capable pin and XPLL in Core option is chosen. Only one Input Clock pin needs to be chosen for entire multi bank interface for master XPLL. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 1 |
pll_rst_in | Input | NA | Reset Input to master XPLL. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 1 |
bank<x>_pll_clkout0 | Output | NA | The frequency of this is data speed divided by the serialization factor. This clock can be used as a clock for the general interconnect logic. x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
pll0_clkout0 | Output | NA | The frequency of this is data speed divided by the serialization factor. This clock can be used as a clock for the general interconnect logic. x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
bank<x>_pll_clkin | Input | NA | Enabled when the Input Clock to XPLL is through a Clock capable pin and XPLL in Core option is chosen. Only one Input Clock pin needs to be chosen for the entire multi bank interface x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
bank<x>_pll_rst_pll | Input | NA | Reset input to XPLL x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
bank<x>pll_clkout1 | Output | NA | The frequency of this can be set in Vivado IDE from a list of supported frequencies for the data speed chosen. x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 and ENABLE_PLLOUT1 = 1 |
bank<x>_pll_clkout2 | Output | NA | Frequency of XPLL_CLKOUT2 = data_speed/serialization factor. Serialization factor = the greater of TX and RX serialization factors x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
bank<x>_pll_clkout3 | Output | NA | Frequency of XPLL_CLKOUT3 = data_speed/serialization factor. Serialization factor = the lesser of TX and RX serialization factors x: bank number 0 to 2. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET = 0 |
bank<x>_pll_clkoutphy | Output | Not applicable | This port is available when you choose to
instantiate the XPLL in the core. The pll_clkoutphy signal from the master core is the output to the slave
core. x: bank number 0 to 2. For more information, see Clocking section. Enabled when BANKS_IN_TRIPLET =
0 |
RIU Ports | |||
riu_addr | Input | ctrl_clk | Address of the RIU register. Width of this bus is [num_banks*72-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. When this parameter is enabled the width is [7:0] |
ctrl_clk | Input | NA | System clock from the general interconnect. CTRL_CLK must be free running. |
riu_nibble_sel[num_banks*8:0] | Input | ctrl_clk | Width of this bus is [num_banks*9-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. Each bit in the riu_nibble_sel corespondent to each nibble in the bank. Enable the bits to use the RIU Interface of particular nibble. To broadcast the writes, all bits can be set to "1". |
riu_wr_data[num_banks*144-1:0] | Input | ctrl_clk | Input write data to the register. Width of this bus is [num_banks*144-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. When this parameter is enabled width is [15:0] |
riu_wr_en | Input | ctrl_clk | Register write enable active-High. Width of this bus is [num_banks*9-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. When this parameter is enabled width is 1 |
riu_rd_data[num_banks*144-1:0] | Output | ctrl_clk | Output read data to the controller .Width of this bus is [num_banks*144-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. When this parameter is enabled width is [15:0] |
riu_rd_valid[num_banks*8:0] | Output | ctrl_clk | Output read valid to the controller .Width of this
bus is [num_banks*9-1:0] when SIMPLE_RIU parameter is disabled. When this parameter
is enabled width is 1 There can be a possibility of collision between BISC and PL
where valid plays a crucial role in determining the validity of RIU. Note: RIU ports are available only when
ENABLE_RIU_INTERFACE parameter is selected. |
riu_sm_done | Output | ctrl_clk | Indication of RIU state machine done. This is exposed in the IP only when you select Enable BIDIR State Machine option from the GUI or EN_BIDIR_SM =1. The option of EN_BIDIR_SM is available only in the case of BIDIR or BIDIR mix modes. |
Status/Control | |||
bank<x>_pll_locked | Output | NA | Logic High indicates XPLL is locked to the desired clock frequency. x: indicates the bank number 0 to 2. |
en_vtc | Input | ctrl_clk | Assert to enable VTC for all interfaces. |
intf_rdy | Output | ctrl_clk | It indicates that the reset sequence of the interface is done. |
rxtx_cntvaluein_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | This port would be enabled when delay control ports or enable all ports parameters are enabled. Width would be 9*bus width. Refer to Versal ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) for more details on the port. |
rxtx_cntvalueout_<<port_name>> | Output | ctrl_clk | This port would be enabled when delay control ports or enable all ports parameters are enabled. Width would be 9*buswidth. Refer to Versal ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) for more details on the port. |
rxtx_ce_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | This port would be enabled when delay control ports or enable all ports parameters are enabled. Refer to Versal ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) for more details on the port. |
rxtx_inc_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | |
rxtx_ld_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | |
rxtx_sel _<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | |
rxen_vtc_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | |
txen_vtc_<<port_name>> | Input | ctrl_clk | |
fifo_empty [num_banks*9-1 :0] | Output | app_clk | Aggregated FIFO empty flag from each nibble which
contains RX/TX/BiDir Pins. Note: Do not rely on FIFO_EMPTY asserting
every eight FIFO_WR_CLK cycles for bit and word alignment. The first deassertion
of FIFO_EMPTY must be used for controlling FIFO_RDEN.
Note: The width of the port is 27 by default. When
REDUCE_CONTROL_SIG_EN parameter is enabled, the port
width is reduced to 1. All ports together give a single bit output using the "OR"
operation. This feature reduces the number of ports exposed to the customers.
fifo_rd_en [num_banks*9-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | FIFO read enable for each bit slice. <i> is
the pin number on which the RX is selected. Note: The width of the port is 27 by default. When
REDUCE_CONTROL_SIG_EN parameter is enabled, the port
width is reduced to 1. All ports together give a single bit output using the "OR"
operation. This feature reduces the number of ports exposed to the customers.
fifo_rd_clk | Input | app_clk | FIFO read clock for the interface. |
fifo_wr_clk | Output | fifo_wr_clk | FIFO write clock for the interface. Select PLL_FIFO_WRITE_CLK_EN parameter to enable this
clock. |
start_bitslip | Input | Not applicable | Reset for the bitslip logic. Active-Low. When the top level reset pin is asserted, start_bitslip should be driven Low. The start_bitslip port should be deasserted only when the Transmit partner of the serial line is transmitting the bitslip training pattern. |
bitslip_error_<sig_name> [num_pins-1 :0] | Output | fifo_rd_clk | Error output for bitslip. When eight bitslips are performed for 8-bit serialization or four bitslips are performed for 4-bit serialization, this output is pulsed high. |
bitslip_sync_done | Output | fifo_rd_clk | Indicates that the bitslip training pattern is received at all RX pins in the design. |
shared_bank<x>_pll_clkoutphy_in | Input | Not applicable | This port is available when you choose to instantiate the XPLL in the example design. The pll_clkoutphy signal from the master core is given as an input to the slave core. |
shared_bank<x>_pll_locked_in | Input | Not applicable | This port is available when you choose to instantiate the XPLL in the example design. The pll_locked signal from the master core is given as an input to the slave core. |
shared_bank<x>_pll_clkoutphyen_out | Output | Not applicable | This port is available when you choose not to instantiate the XPLL in the core. The pll_clkoutphy_en signal from the slave core is given as an input to the master core. |
tx_app_clk | Input | Not Applicable | This is the clock used to drive the fabric side ports related to TX pins. Available for asynchronous applications. |
rx_app_clk | Input | Not Applicable | This is the clock used to drive the fabric side ports related to RX pins. Available for asynchronous applications. |
gearbox_clk | Input | Not Applicable | This clock drives gearbox for asynchronous interfaces. |
parallel_clk | Input | Not Applicable | This port is available when PLL in outside core and Enable BLI is true. This is the clock on which user sends the data_from_fabric. Advanced IO Wizard needs this clock to synchronize the data_from_fabric and place n BLI for timing closure. |
dly_rdy [num_banks*9-1 :0] | Output | Async | dly_rdy from XPHY is given as output. Indicates that delay
line values can be changed Note: The width of the port is 27 by default. When
REDUCE_CONTROL_SIG_EN parameter is enabled, the port
width is reduced to 1. All ports together give a single bit output using the "OR"
operation. This feature reduces the number of ports exposed to the customers.
phy_rdy [num_banks*9-1 :0] | Output | Async | phy_rdy from XPHY is given as output. Indicates that the PHY
is ready for voltage and temperature compensation (VTC) Note: The width of the port is 27 by default. When
REDUCE_CONTROL_SIG_EN parameter is enabled, the port
width is reduced to 1. All ports together give a single bit output using the "OR"
operation. This feature reduces the number of ports exposed to the customers.
phy_rden [num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port is input to XPHY. Port width is 36 * <number of
banks>. These are nibble-level pins. Each nibble instantiated contributes to four
pins. Used to control the gate on the receiver. Note: Refer to
ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) to
understand how phy_rden is set up to control the RX datapath. The wizard places
and routes PHY_RDEN[3,1] when RX_DATA_WIDTH is 4, even though they are unused.
PHY_RDEN[3,1] can be ignored when RX_DATA_WIDTH is 4 for timing
phy_wren [num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port is input to XPHY. Port width is 36 * <number of
banks>. These are nibble-level pins. Each nibble instantiated contributes to four
pins. It is used to control the gate on the transmitter, and can also be used to
control tristating when it is set to serialized. Note: Refer to
ACAP SelectIO Resources Architecture Manual (AM010) to understand how phy_wren is set up to control the TX
datapath. The wizard places and routes PHY_WREN[3,1] when TX_DATA_WIDTH is 4, even
though they are unused. PHY_WREN[3,1] can be ignored when TX_DATA_WIDTH is 4 for
timing analysis.
phy_rdcs0 [num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port would be available when ENABLE_ALL_PORTS parameter is enabled. |
phy_rdcs1[num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port would be available when ENABLE_ALL_PORTS parameter is enabled. |
phy_wrcs0[num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port would be available when ENABLE_ALL_PORTS parameter is enabled. |
phy_wrcs1[num_banks*36-1 :0] | Input | app_clk | This port would be available when ENABLE_ALL_PORTS parameter is enabled. |
gt_status[num_banks*9-1 :0] | Output | Async | This port would be available when ENABLE_ALL_PORTS parameter is enabled. |
VREF_ID | Input | NA | This port has a length of 4 bits. Because there are nine nibbles in a bank, the valid values of VREF_ID are 0 to 8. For example, for nibble 5, the VREF_ID must be 4’h5. To broadcast it, set VREF_ID to 0xF. |
fabric_VREF_TUNE | Input | NA | This port has a 10-bit value. This must be enabled per each bank. |