Next, elaborate the design, and assign the I/O Package Pins using the Advanced I/O Planner.
- In the
Integrated Design
Environment (IDE), in the Flow Manager under RTL Analysis, click Open Elaborated Design. It will take some time to
open the design because of the Out-of-Context (OOC) Synthesis Runs.
- In the upper right-hand corner of the Vivado IDE, be sure to have the I/O Planning Layout selected.
- Open the I/O Ports window, and the Package view.
- From within the I/O Ports window,
click the Open Advanced I/O Planner link
to open this tool.
- In the Advanced I/O Planner, in the I/O Instances tab, assign the Advanced
IO Wizard IP to IO Bank IOBANK 705.
- The individual nibble assignments can be adjusted using the Nibble Groups tab, as shown in the following
- Click OK to close the Advanced I/O Planner when the nibbles are adjusted.
- Click the Save icon to save the I/O assignments to the constraints file.
The tutorial relies on I/O auto placer in the implementation tools to place the remaining I/Os that are not part of the Advanced IO Wizard IP. In a true design, the classic I/O Planning is available for the I/Os that are not part of the Advanced IO Wizard IP.
- Close the elaborated design.