TCL XDC Flow in Advanced IO Wizard - 1.0 English

Advanced IO Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG320)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

Advanced IO Wizard core allows you to override XPHY parameters through Tcl flow. When your IP is synthesized, perform the following to update the XPHY parameter values:

  1. Open your synthesized design.
  2. Locate the XPHY to update its parameters. Use show_objects -name find_1 [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE == I/O.PHY.XPHY } ] command to get the list of XPHYs used in the design.
  3. Use set_property <<PARAMETER_NAME>> <<PARAMETER_VALUE>> [get_cells <<inst_path>>] command to change the property value of an XPHY in an instance.
  4. Use Save_constraints command to save constraints.
  5. Use Implement_xphy_cores command to regenerate the XPHY instances with new properties or run implementation.