Create a Project - 1.0 English

Advanced IO Wizard LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG320)

Document ID
Release Date
1.0 English

To begin the tutorial, start the Vivado® Design Suite, create the tutorial project, and create a basic block design.

  1. Open the Vivado Design Suite. Ensure the banner at the top of the window identifies the Vivado 2022.1 release.
  2. Click Create Project from the Quick Start Menu and step through the following:
    1. Specify the Project name project_Versal in your working area.
    2. Specify RTL Project, and clear the Do not specify sources at this time check box.
    3. Do not specify any HDL sources.
    4. Create a constraint file called top.xdc, and select the Copy constraints files into project check box.
    5. In the Default Part menu, locate and select xcvc1902-vsvd1760-1LP-e-S.
    6. Continue to Finish to create the new project.
  3. In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click IP Integrator > Create Block Design. A popup dialog box displays with the default block design name design_1.
  4. Click OK. An empty block design diagram canvas open.

The Tcl commands used to create the project, constraints file, and initial block design are as follows:

create_project project_Versal \
              ./project_Versal \
              -part xcvc1902-vsvd1760-1LP-e-S

file mkdir ./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new

close [open \
  "./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc" w]

add_files \
  -fileset constrs_1 ./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc

set_property target_constrs_file \
  ./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc \
  [current_fileset -constrset]

create_bd_design "design_1"