To begin the tutorial, start the Vivado® Design Suite, create the tutorial project, and create a basic block design.
- Open the Vivado Design Suite. Ensure the banner at the top of the window identifies the Vivado 2022.1 release.
- Click Create Project from the Quick
Start Menu and step through the following:
- Specify the Project name project_Versal in your working area.
- Specify RTL Project, and clear the Do not specify sources at this time check box.
- Do not specify any HDL sources.
- Create a constraint file called top.xdc, and select the Copy constraints files into project check box.
- In the Default Part menu, locate and select xcvc1902-vsvd1760-1LP-e-S.
- Continue to Finish to create the new project.
- In the Vivado Flow Navigator, click . A popup dialog box displays with the default block design name design_1.
- Click OK. An empty block design diagram canvas open.
The Tcl commands used to create the project, constraints file, and initial block design are as follows:
create_project project_Versal \
./project_Versal \
-part xcvc1902-vsvd1760-1LP-e-S
file mkdir ./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new
close [open \
"./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc" w]
add_files \
-fileset constrs_1 ./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc
set_property target_constrs_file \
./project_Versal/project_Versal.srcs/constrs_1/new/top.xdc \
[current_fileset -constrset]
create_bd_design "design_1"