Create the RPU Fault Injection Boot Image - XAPP1353

Memory and Peripheral Protection Unit for PL Isolation in Zynq UltraScale+ Devices (XAPP1353)

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Release Date
1.1 English

To create the boot image

For the following steps:

build_path = <your_path>/XmpuPL_ZUplus_v1.0a/zcu102_2021.1/xmpu_example/pl_isolation_lab.vitis
  1. Select Xilinx> Create Boot Image > Zynq and Zynq Ultrascale
    1. Architecture: Zynq MP
    2. Check Create new BIF file
    3. Output BIF file path: <build_path>/rpu_fault_injection/output.bif
    4. Output path: <build_path>/rpu_fault_injection/BOOT.bin
    5. Continue without clicking create image
    Note: If the boot image partitions are automatically filled, select each one and delete, so that the next steps are performed from scratch.
  2. Click Add
    1. File path: <build_path>/zcu102_isolation_test/zynqmp_fsbl/fsbl_r5.elf
    2. Partition type: bootloader
    3. Destination device: PS
    4. Destination CPU: R5 0
    5. Click OK
  3. Click Add
    1. File path: <build_path>/pmu_fw_u0/Debug/pmu_fw_u0.elf
    2. Partition type: datafile
    3. Destination device: PS
    4. Destination CPU: PMU
    5. Click OK
  4. Click Add
    1. File path:<build_path>/zcu102_isolation_test/hw/Base_Zynq_MPSoC_wrapper.bit
    2. Partition type: datafile
    3. Destination device: PL
    4. Click OK
  5. Click Add
    1. File path: <build_path>/rpu_fault_injection/Debug/rpu_fault_injection.elf
    2. Partition type: datafile
    3. Destination device: PS
    4. Destination CPU: R5 0
    5. Click OK
  6. The Create Boot Image window looks like the following figure
  7. Click Create Image and select Overwrite if prompted.
    Figure 1. Create Boot Image for RPU Fault Injection System