Recompiling FMC Controller Vitis Project

Implementing SMPTE SDI Interfaces with UltraScale GTH Transceivers Application Note (XAPP1248)

Document ID
Release Date
v1.6 English
The AMD Vitis™ integrated design environment (IDE) must be prepared after the completion of kcu105_uhdsdi_demo_script.tcl script. This is done by exporting the project's hardware information and importing the Vitis tools source codes.
  1. Export hardware: In the Vivado Design Suite, select File > Export > Export Hardware.

    1. In the Export Hardware pop-up window, check the Include bitstream check box.

    2. Set the Export to the Vivado project path : <unzip_dir>\xapp1248\kcu105_uhdsdi_demo_proj.
  2. Selecting Tools > Launch Vitis IDE to launch the Vitis IDE.

    1. Launch the Vitis IDE in the following path: <unzip_dir>\xapp1248\vitis.

    2. Select Create Platform Project on the Welcome page.

    3. Assign a platform project name, then click Next.

    4. On the Create a new platform from hardware (XSA) tab, click Browse > Provide your XSA file or use a pre-built board description and click Finish.

  3. Create an application project:
    1. Select File > New > Application Project, then click Next.

    2. Click Next again and assign an application project name, then click Next.

    3. On the Domain page, select standalone_domain and click Next.

    4. Select Empty Application (C), and click Finish.

    5. Right-click app_system, then select Import Sources.

    6. Click Browse and set the From directory path to <unzip_dir>\xapp1248\srcs\fidus_fmc_ctlr\SW\fidus_fmc_ctlr\src.

    7. Select main.c.
    8. Click Browse and set the Into folder path to app\src.
    9. Click OK > Finish.
  4. Copy the "Include" files from <unzip_dir>\xapp1248\srcs\fidus_fmc_ctlr\SW\fidus_fmc_ctlr\Include\ to <unzip_dir>\xapp1248\vitis\app\.
  5. In the Vitis IDE, select app_system and click the Hammer icon to debug and build the project.