Step 5: Changes Related to the Vitis Design - 2023.2 English

Vitis Tutorials: Vitis Platform Creation (XD101)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.2 English

This step supports any modification in the Vitis region design which might or might not impact the boundary of the PL-AIE region. Remove the imported VMA from the existing Vivado design. To remove the imported VMA from the Vivado design, use the following two commands:

  1. vitis::remove_archive_hierarchy

  2. vitis::remove_archive

In this use case, it is considered that there is/are change(s) in the Vitis design. To execute the change, you need to remove the imported VMA from the Vivado project. Use the following steps to execute:

  1. Remove the imported VMA only using the Tcl API, vitis::remove_archive_hierarchy. Implement the changes in Vivado, and repeat Step 1 to export the updated XSA file. Repeat Step 2 to use the latest XSA to link the updated AIE-compiled output, PL kernels output, and system.cfg. Export the updated VMA. Repeat Step 3 to import the modified VMA in the design.

    In this example, plan to add one more polar clip IP in the Vitis region. Because the .xo file has been already generated in the previous steps (Use Case 1), you can directly modify connections in the system.cfg file as follows:


    In the system.cfg, you have added one more polar_clip kernel. The new polar_clip_2 kernel is concatenated with the formal polar_clip_1 kernel.

    After using the vitis::remove_archive_hierarchy command, the updated BD will display as shown in the following image, in which the added PL IPs and connections are intact and only the VMA is removed.


    After running the command, the modified VMA region is shown as:


  2. Remove the imported VMA using the Tcl API, vitis::remove_archive to remove the imported VMA with changes done in Vivado after the VMA import. After this command, you need to start from Step 1, export extensible.xsa again with hardware changes, and repeat the steps as described in Use Case 1. The use of this command helps the developer in case there is a need to knock off all the changes or configurations done during the hardware development in Vivado and start from the last VMA import (in case, considering multiple VMA are imported).

    Repeat Step 6 and 7 from use case -1 to generate the fixed.xsa and xclbin files.