The AMD Versalâ„¢
adaptive SoC PHY for PCI Express IP supports IP
integrator block automation to easily connect the GT_QUADs on IP integrator canvas. The
following steps shows using the IP integrator block automation.
- Create an IP integrator block design from Vivado project as
shown in the following figure.
- Add the Versal Adaptive SoC PHY for PCI Express IP to the canvas as shown in following figure.
- Configure the Versal Adaptive PHY for PCI Express IP by opening the IP GUI (double click on IP symbol) using steps mentioned in Customizing the Core section.
- Click on Run Block Automation from Designer Assistance BAR as shown in above figure.
- The Versal Adaptive PHY for PCI Express IP will be connected to GT Quads (inside pcie_phy_Versal_0_support) and the required ports will be made external as
shown in the following figure.