CMT Overview - UG572

UltraScale Architecture Clocking Resources User Guide (UG572)

Document ID
Release Date
1.10.2 English

Each device has a CMT as part of the PHY next to each of the I/O banks. A CMT consists of one MMCM and two PLLs. The MMCM is the primary block for frequency synthesis for a wide range of frequencies, and serves as a jitter filter for either external or internal clocks, and deskew clocks among a wide range of other functions. The PLL’s primary purpose is to provide clocking to the PHY I/Os, but can also be used for clocking other resources in the device in a limited fashion. The device clock input connectivity allows multiple resources to provide the reference clock(s) to the MMCM and PLL.

MMCMs have infinite fine phase shift capability in either direction and can be used in dynamic phase shift mode. MMCMs also have a fractional counter in either the feedback path or in one output path, enabling further granularity of frequency synthesis capabilities.

The LogiCORE™ IP clocking wizard is available to assist in utilizing MMCMs and PLLs to create clock networks in UltraScale architecture designs. The GUI interface is used to collect clock network parameters. The clocking wizard chooses the appropriate CMT resource and optimally configures the CMT resource and associated clock routing resources.

Clock Management Tile , has further details on the CMT block features and connectivity.