Any output signal can be delayed using the ODELAYE3 primitive, having been either forwarded from the device logic directly or registered in a simple flip-flop or OSERDES using an SDR or DDR clock.
The ODELAYE3 primitive ( This Figure ) contains a 512-tap delay line. (See the tap resolution in the UltraScale device data sheet [Ref 2] ). Each individual tap is uncalibrated. However, the logic to calibrate the delay line is available in the IDELAYCTRL component.
The ODELAYE3 can be used in two modes:
• COUNT mode:
° No need to use an IDELAYCTRL component because the delay line is used in the uncalibrated state without voltage and temperature compensation.
° The delay line must count only taps and not count delay/tap.
° The DELAY_VALUE is expressed as taps (0 to 511).
° Example: Scanning a serial data stream for transitions must be expressed in a number of taps and not translated to time in ps.
• TIME mode:
° An IDELAYCTRL component must be used.
° The delay line is calibrated for the requested time value and voltage/temperature compensation makes sure that this value is kept over time.
° The DELAY_VALUE is expressed in ps.