All 52 pins in a bank are capable of bidirectional operation using the same component primitives.
For bidirectional signaling with 3-state support, for the output and 3-state path use the solutions as discussed in ODDRE1 . Note the 3-state path driving the T input for the IOBUF does not support simple registered outputs such as FDCE/FDPE/FDRE/FDSE. Registers for FDCE/FDPE/FDRE/FDSE for the 3-state path are implemented in internal logic.
For designs using an OSERDES, This Figure shows an example bidirectional pin with IDELAY and ODELAY. The OSERDES only supports combinatorial 3-state controls for the T input of the IOBUF.
Note: When using bidirectional interfaces, the delay cascades are not available. For all other solutions, Native Primitives must be used.
Bidirectional support varies by I/O bank. Table: Bidirectional Support by I/O Bank lists the recommended bidirectional logic. When unsupported, the Vivado tool can borrow resources from additional I/Os.