The tap size of the ODELAYE3 primitive is defined in the UltraScale device data sheets as T ODELAY_RESOLUTION (T IDELAY_RESOLUTION for IDELAYE3) [Ref 2] . If the DELAY_FORMAT is set to TIME, the delay line is calibrated, controlled, and maintained for voltage and temperature by the IDELAYCTRL component.
• An IDELAYCTRL component must be used.
• The REFCLK_FREQUENCY attribute must reflect the clock frequency applied to the IDELAYCTRL component.
• The EN_VTC pin must be actively manipulated when the delay line is used in VARIABLE or VAR_LOAD mode. When FIXED mode is used, tie the EN_VTC pin High.
When the DELAY_FORMAT is set to COUNT, the delay line is not calibrated and is not maintained over voltage and temperature. Therefore:
• Do not use an IDELAYCTRL component.
• Leave the REFCLK_FREQUENCY attribute at the default value (300 MHz).
• Tie the EN_VTC input pin Low.
° This pin ensures that calibration and VT maintenance logic in the ODELAYE3 is disabled.
• The delay line must be used to represent an amount of taps.
° It does not matter how long the tap delay is; it is the amount of taps that is important.
° 512 taps are available.
• The CNTVALUEIN/OUT[8:0] values represent the amount of taps the delay line is set or tuned to.
Examples of how the DELAY_FORMAT attribute is used are provided in the mode paragraphs in the DELAY_TYPE Attribute .