Every probe has a DISPLAY_RADIX property associated with it. This property is set to HEX for a multi-bit probe and BINARY for a one-bit probe by default. The exported probe data in the .csv files use probe radix.
You can change the DISPLAY_RADIX property of all the probes of all ILAs in the design as follows in the Vivado Hardware Manager Tcl Console:
foreach probe [get_hw_probes -of [get_hw_ilas]] {
set_property DISPLAY_RADIX binary $probe
set_property DISPLAY_AS_ENUM false $probe
Note: Here you are changing the radix of all the
probes in all the ILAs to BINARY. To change the radix to HEX, use the following script:
foreach probe [get_hw_probes -of [get_hw_ilas]] {
set_property DISPLAY_RADIX hex $probe
set_property DISPLAY_AS_ENUM false $probe