vitis::ai::BEVdet - 3.5 English - UG1354

Vitis AI Library User Guide (UG1354)

Document ID
Release Date
3.5 English
Base class for detecting objects in the input image(cv::Mat). Input is an image(cv::Mat). Output is the position of the objects in the input image. Sample code:
auto model = vitis::ai::BEVdet::create(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
std::vector<std::string> names;
LoadImageNames(argv[4], names);
std::vector<cv::Mat> images;
for (auto&& i : names) {
std::vector<std::vector<char>> bins;
std::vector<std::string> bin_names;
LoadImageNames(argv[5], bin_names);
for (auto&& i : bin_names) {
  auto infile = std::ifstream(i, std::ios_base::binary);
std::vector<vitis::ai::CenterPointResult> res;

res = model->run(images, bins);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32 && i < res.size(); i++) {
  const auto& r = res[i];
  cout << "label: " << r.label << " score: " << r.score
       << " bbox: " << r.bbox[0] << " " << r.bbox[1] << " " << r.bbox[2]
       << " " << r.bbox[3] << " " << r.bbox[4] << " " << r.bbox[5] << " "
       << r.bbox[6] << " " << r.bbox[7] << " " << r.bbox[8] << endl;

Quick Function Reference

The following table lists all the functions defined in the vitis::ai::BEVdet class:

Table 1. Quick Function Reference
Type Member Arguments
std::unique_ptr< BEVdet > create
  • const std::string & model_name0
  • const std::string & model_name1
  • const std::string & model_name2
std::vector< CenterPointResult > run
  • const std::vector< cv::Mat > & images
  • const std::vector< std::vector< char > > & input_bins