model_type : SSD
ssd_param :
num_classes : 4
nms_threshold : 0.4
conf_threshold : 0.0
conf_threshold : 0.6
conf_threshold : 0.4
conf_threshold : 0.3
keep_top_k : 200
top_k : 400
prior_box_param {
layer_width : 60,
layer_height: 45,
variances: 0.1
variances: 0.1
variances: 0.2
variances: 0.2
min_sizes: 21.0
max_sizes: 45.0
aspect_ratios: 2.0
offset: 0.5
step_width: 8.0
step_height: 8.0
flip: true
clip: false
The SSD parameters are listed in the following table. The parameters of the SSD-model include the threshold and PriorBox requirements. Refer to the SSD deploy.prototxt file for more information.
Parameter Type | Description |
num_classes | The actual number of detection categories for this model. |
anchorCnt | The number of anchors for this model. |
conf_threshold | The threshold of the boxes’ confidence. Each category can have a different threshold, but number must be equal to num_classes. |
nms_threshold | The threshold of NMS. |
biases | These parameters are same as the model parameters. Write each bias in a separate line. (Biases amount) = anchorCnt * (output-node amount) * 2. Set correct lines in the prototxt. |
test_mAP | If your model was trained with letterbox and you want to test its mAP, set this as TRUE. By default, it is set to FALSE for faster execution. |
keep_top_k | Each category of detection objects’ top K boxes. |
top_k | All the detection object’s top K boxes, except the background (the first category) |
prior_box_param | There is more than one PriorBox corresponding to different scales. You can find them in the original model (deploy.prototxt) These PriorBoxes should oppose each other. |
Parameter Type | Description |
layer_width/layer_height | The input width/height of this layer. Such numbers can be computed from the net structure. |
variances | These numbers are used for boxes regression. These should be filled as in the original model. There should be four variances. |
min_sizes/max_size | Filled as the deploy.prototxt. Write each number on a separate line. |
aspect_ratios | The ratio (each one should be written in a separate line). By default, the first ratio is 1.0. If you set a new number here, there will be two ratios created. One of the numbers is the value that you have set, and the other number is the reciprocal of the value that you have set. For example, this parameter has only one set element, “ratios: 2.0.” The ratio vector has three numbers: 1.0, 2.0, and 0.5. |
offset | Normally, the PriorBox is created by each central point of the feature map, so that the offset is 0.5. |
step_width/step_height | Copy from the original file. If there are no such
numbers there, you can use the following formula to compute
them: step_width = img_width ÷
step_height = img_height ÷
offset | Normally, PriorBox is created by each central point of the feature map, so that the offset is 0.5. |
flip | Control whether to rotate the PriorBox and change the ratio of length/width. |
clip | Set as FALSE. If set to TRUE, the detection box coordinates will be [0, 1]. |