Demo Overview - 3.5 English - UG1354

Vitis AI Library User Guide (UG1354)

Document ID
Release Date
3.5 English

There are six application demos provided within the Vitis AI Library. They use the Vitis AI Library to build their applications. The source code for the applications are stored in Vitis-AI/examples/vai_library/apps.

  • Demo 1: segs_and_roadline_detect is a demo that includes MultiTask segmentation network processing, vehicle detection, and road line detection. It simultaneously performs 4-channel segmentation and vehicle detection and 1-channel road lane detection.
  • Demo 2: seg_and_pose_detect is a demo that includes MultiTask segmentation network processing and pose detection. It simultaneously performs 1-channel segmentation process and 1-channel pose detection.
  • Demo 3: multitask_v3_quad_windows is a demo running multitask_v3 model and display it.
  • Demo 4: vck190_4video is a demo running on VCK190 platform. It processes four channels of video input.
  • Demo 5: vck190_4mipi is a demo running on VCK190 platform. It processes four channels of MIPI input.
  • Demo 6: vek280_4video is a demo running on VEK280 platform. It processes four channels of video input.
Note: For ZCU102/ZCU104 platform, to achieve the best performance, the demos use the Direct Render Manager (DRM) for video display. Log in the board using ssh or serial port and run the demo remotely. If you do not want to use DRM for video display, set USE_DRM=0 in the compile option.
Note: For vck190_4mipi and vck190_4video, refer to the Vitis AI Library Apps on GitHub.