Hourglass Pose Detection - 3.5 English - UG1354

Vitis AI Library User Guide (UG1354)

Document ID
Release Date
3.5 English
The Hourglass library is used to detect the posture of the human body. It is represented by an array of 16 joint points. Joint points are arranged in order:
0 - r ankle, 1 - r knee, 2 - r hip, 3 - l hip, 4 - l knee, 5 - l ankle,
6 - pelvis, 7 - thorax, 8 - upper neck, 9 - head top, 10 - r wrist,
11 - r elbow, 12 - r shoulder, 13 - l shoulder, 14 - l elbow, 15 - l wrist

This network can detect the posture of only one person in the input image. The input of the network is 256x256. The following image shows the result of hourglass detection.

The following table lists the hourglass models supported by the Vitis AI Library.

Table 1. Hourglass Models
No Model Name Framework
1 hourglass-pe_mpii Caffe