VEK280 is a new evaluation platform for the Versal AI Edge device VE2802. VEK280 targets AI-ML applications with increased compute performance, lower latency, and higher levels of integration enabled by the Versal AI Edge family of devices. The primary focus of VEK280 is to enable solution demos to make it easier for customers to develop their own applications.
In Vitis AI 3.5, a C20B14CU1 DPU core is implemented. It delivers 179.2 TOPS INT8 peak performance for deep learning inference acceleration.
Refer to the following table for the throughput performance (in frames/sec or fps) for various neural network samples on VEK280 with AI Engines clocked at 1250 MHz and PL clocked at 300 MHz.
No | Neural Network | Input Size | GOPS | 1-thread(fps) | Multi-thread(fps) |
1 | chen_color_resnet18_pt | 224x224 | 3.627 | 2590.9 | 6067.8 |
2 | efficientnet_lite_tf2 | 224x224 | 0.77 | 2228.0 | 5194.7 |
3 | efficientNet-edgetpu-L_tf | 300x300 | 19.36 | 629.5 | 961.1 |
4 | efficientNet-edgetpu-M_tf | 240x240 | 7.34 | 1476.2 | 3515.6 |
5 | efficientNet-edgetpu-S_tf | 224x224 | 4.72 | 1729.7 | 4588.8 |
6 | face_mask_detection_pt | 512x512 | 0.593 | 517.9 | 1043.9 |
7 | fadnet_v2 | 576x960 | 412 | 9.5 | 18.4 |
8 | fadnet_v2_pruned | 576x960 | 201 | 9.7 | 19.1 |
9 | HardNet_MSeg_pt | 352x352 | 22.78 | 279.9 | 412.3 |
10 | hfnet_tf | 960x960 | 20.09 | 10.7 | 24.1 |
11 | inception_v1_tf | 224x224 | 3 | 1758.4 | 4611.7 |
12 | inception_v3_pt | 299x299 | 5.7 | 829.9 | 1573.0 |
13 | inception_v3_tf | 299x299 | 11.5 | 831.9 | 1571.5 |
14 | inception_v3_tf2 | 299x299 | 11.5 | 891.3 | 1808.4 |
15 | inception_v4_2016_09_09_tf | 299x299 | 24.6 | 492.5 | 680.5 |
16 | MLPerf_resnet50_v1.5_tf | 224x224 | 8.19 | 1730.2 | 4563.7 |
17 | mlperf_ssd_resnet34_tf | 1200x1200 | 433 | 17.2 | 40.6 |
18 | mobilenet_1_0_224_tf2 | 224x224 | 1.1 | 2376.4 | 5186.8 |
19 | mobilenet_v1_0_25_128_tf | 128x128 | 0.027 | 5149.5 | 10575 |
20 | mobilenet_v1_1_0_224_tf | 224x224 | 1.1 | 2375.6 | 5171.1 |
21 | mobilenet_v2_1_0_224_tf | 224x224 | 0.6 | 2292.4 | 5155.1 |
22 | mobilenet_v2_1_4_224_tf | 224x224 | 1.2 | 2074.9 | 5083.5 |
23 | movenet_ntd_pt | 192x192 | 0.5 | 240.8 | 422.9 |
24 | ofa_depthwise_res50_pt | 176x176 | 1.25 | 338.6 | 530.4 |
25 | ofa_rcan_latency_pt | 360x640 | 45.7 | 78.9 | 104.7 |
26 | ofa_resnet50_0_9B_pt | 160x160 | 1.8 | 2861.7 | 7949.4 |
27 | ofa_yolo_pruned_0_30_pt | 640x640 | 34.71 | 182.2 | 390.8 |
28 | ofa_yolo_pruned_0_50_pt | 640x640 | 24.62 | 202.6 | 413.9 |
29 | ofa_yolo_pt | 640x640 | 48.88 | 172.5 | 370.2 |
30 | pointpillars_kitti_12000_pt | 12000x100x4 | 10.8 | 58.8 | 71.7 |
31 | rcan_pruned_tf | 360x640 | 86.95 | 66.9 | 84.6 |
32 | RefineDet-Medical_EDD_tf | 320x320 | 9.8 | 648.5 | 1362.0 |
33 | resnet_v1_101_tf | 224x224 | 14.4 | 1448.0 | 3010.6 |
34 | resnet_v1_152_tf | 224x224 | 21.8 | 1207.3 | 2146.0 |
35 | resnet_v1_50_tf | 224x224 | 7 | 1795.4 | 4875.0 |
36 | resnet_v2_101_tf | 299x299 | 26.78 | 615.4 | 945.6 |
37 | resnet_v2_152_tf | 299x299 | 40.47 | 498.5 | 696.1 |
38 | resnet_v2_50_tf | 299x299 | 13.1 | 801.3 | 1471.3 |
39 | resnet50_pt | 224x224 | 4.1 | 1725.1 | 4558.2 |
40 | resnet50_tf2 | 224x224 | 7.7 | 1749.1 | 4709.2 |
41 | SESR_S_pt | 360x640 | 7.48 | 398.9 | 627.5 |
42 | squeezenet_pt | 224x224 | 0.82 | 3929.0 | 9230.1 |
43 | ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_tf | 300x300 | 2.5 | 906.5 | 1950.3 |
44 | ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_tf | 300x300 | 3.8 | 821.679 | 1912.33 |
45 | superpoint_tf | 480x640 | 52.4 | 56.0723 | 124.5 |
46 | unet2d_tf2 | 144x144 | 24.6 | 759.1 | 1608.5 |
47 | vehicle_make_resnet18_pt | 224x224 | 3.627 | 2585.1 | 6148.7 |
48 | vehicle_type_resnet18_pt | 224x224 | 3.627 | 2610.6 | 6294.0 |
49 | vgg_16_tf | 224x224 | 31 | 582.6 | 733.1 |
50 | vgg_19_tf | 224x224 | 39.3 | 572.7 | 718.4 |
51 | yolov3_coco_416_tf2 | 416x416 | 65.9 | 271.0 | 532.8 |
52 | yolov3_voc_tf | 416x416 | 65.6 | 302.2 | 543.3 |
53 | yolov4_csp_pt | 640x640 | 121 | 78.9 | 117.4 |
54 | yolov4_leaky_416_tf | 416x416 | 60.3 | 197.7 | 365.7 |
55 | yolov4_leaky_512_tf | 512x512 | 91.2 | 139.8 | 240.2 |
56 | yolov5_large_pt | 640x640 | 109.6 | 135.2 | 268.9 |
57 | yolov5_nano_pt | 640x640 | 4.6 | 249.0 | 475.0 |
58 | yolov5l_pt | 640x640 | 109.6 | 94.4 | 163.7 |
59 | yolov5m_pt | 640x640 | 109.6 | 148.2 | 325.3 |
60 | yolov5s6_pt | 640x640 | 17 | 50.8 | 98.1 |
61 | yolov6m_pt | 640x640 | 82.2 | 39.7 | 51.6 |
62 | yolov7_pt | 640x640 | 104.8 | 101.8 | 161.7 |
63 | yolov8m_pt | 640x640 | 78.9 | 31.2 | 69.1 |
64 | yolox_nano_pt | 416x416x3 | 1 | 711.2 | 1404.8 |