--linkhook Options - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The --linkhook.XXX options described below are used to specify Tcl scripts to run at specific steps during the Vitis linking process. Valid steps can be determined using the --linkhook.list_steps command as described below.


--linkhook.custom <step name, path to script file>

Specifies a Tcl script to execute at a predefined point in the build process. The path to specify the script can be an absolute path, or partial path relative to the build directory.

For example, the following command runs the specified Tcl script before the SysLink step in the build:

v++ -l --linkhook.custom preSysLink,./runScript.tcl


--linkhook.do_first <step name, path to script file>

Specifies a Tcl script to execute before the given step name. The path to specify the script can be an absolute path, or partial path relative to the build directory.

For example, the following command runs the specified Tcl script before the place_design step in the build:

v++ -l --linkhook.do_first vpl.impl.place_design,runScript.tcl


--linkhook.do_last <step name, path to script file>

Specifies a Tcl script to execute immediately after the given step completes. The path to specify the script can be an absolute path, or partial path relative to the build directory.

For example, the following command runs the specified Tcl script after the place_design step in the build:

v++ -l --linkhook.do_last vpl.impl.place_design,runScript.tcl



List default and optional build steps that support script hooks for a specified target. This command requires the --target to be specified as well as the --link option.

For example:

v++ --target hw -l --linkhook.list_steps

The command returns both default steps that are always enabled during the build process, and optional steps that you can enable if needed. Refer to Managing Vivado Synthesis, Implementation, and Timing Closure for directions on enabling optional steps.