Vitis IDE Guidance View - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

After building or running a specific build configuration, the Guidance tab of the Console view displays a list of errors, warnings, and suggestions related to the build and run process. The Guidance view is automatically populated and displayed in the tabs located in the Console view. You can review the guidance messages to make any changes that might be needed in your code or build process.

After running hardware emulation, the Guidance view might look like the following figure.

Figure 1. Guidance for the Build
Tip: The Guidance report can also be viewed in Vitis analyzer as discussed in the Using the Vitis Analyzer.

To simplify sorting through the Guidance view information, the Vitis IDE lets you search, and filter the Guidance view to locate specific guidance rule entries. You can collapse or expand the tree view, or even suppress the hierarchical tree representation and visualize a condensed representation of the guidance rules. Finally, you can select what is shown in the Guidance view by enabling or disabling the display of warnings, as well as rules that have been met, and also restrict the specific content based on the source of the messages such as build and emulation.

By default, the Guidance view shows all guidance information for the project selected in the drop down. To restrict the content to an individual build or run step, do the following:

  1. Select Window > Preferences
  2. Select the category Guidance.
  3. Deselect Group guidance rule checks by project.