Automated Setup for Hardware Debug - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English
  1. Set up your Vitis core development kit as described in Setting Up the Vitis Environment.
  2. Use the debug_hw script to launch the xvc_pcie and hw_server apps as follows:
    debug_hw --xvc_pcie /dev/xfpga/xvc_pub.<driver_id> --hw_server
    The debug_hw script returns the following:
    launching xvc_pcie...
    xvc_pcie -d /dev/xfpga/xvc_pub.<driver_id> -s TCP::10200
    launching hw_server...
    hw_server -sTCP::3121
    Tip: The /dev/xfpga/xvc_pub.<driver_id> driver character path is defined on your machine, and can be found by examining the /dev folder.
  3. Modify the host code to include a pause statement after the kernel has been created/downloaded and before the kernel execution is started, as described in Enabling ILA Triggers for Hardware Debug.
  4. Run your modified host program.
  5. Launch Vivado Design Suite using the debug_hw script:
    debug_hw --vivado --host <host_name> --ltx_file ./_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/debug_nets.ltx
    Tip: The <host_name> is the name of your system.

    As an example, the command window displays the following results:

    launching vivado... ['vivado', '-source', 'vitis_hw_debug.tcl', '-tclargs', 
    '/tmp/project_1/project_1.xpr', 'workspace/vadd_test/System/pfm_top_wrapper.ltx', 
    'host_name', '10200', '3121']
    ****** Vivado v2019.2 (64-bit)
      **** SW Build 2245749 on Date Time
      **** IP Build 2245576 on Date Time
        ** Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  6. In Vivado Design Suite, run the ILA trigger.

  7. Press Enter to continue running the host program.
  8. In the Vivado hardware manager, see the interface transactions on the kernel compute unit slave control interface in the Waveform view.