Using the RTL Kernel Project in Vivado IDE - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

If you launched the RTL Kernel wizard from the Vitis IDE, after clicking OK on the Summary page, the Vivado Design Suite open with an example IP project to let you complete your RTL kernel code.

If you launched the RTL Kernel wizard from within the Vivado IP catalog, after clicking OK on the Summary page, an RTL Kernel Wizard IP is instantiated into your current project. From there you must take the following steps:

  1. When the Generate Output Products dialog box appears, click Skip to close it.
  2. Right-click the <kernel_name>.xci file that is added to the Sources view, and select Open IP Example Design.
  3. In the Open Example Design dialog box, specify the Example project directory, or accept the default value, and click OK.
    Tip: An example project is created for the RTL kernel IP. This example IP project is the same as the example project created if you launch the RTL Kernel wizard from the Vitis IDE, and is where you will complete the development work for your kernel.
  4. You can now close the original Vivado project from which you launched the RTL Kernel wizard.

The example IP project is populated with a top-level RTL kernel file that contains a Verilog example and control registers as described in RTL Type Kernel Project. The top-level Verilog file contains the expected input/output signals and parameters. These top-level ports are matched to the kernel specification file (kernel.xml) and can be combined with your RTL code to complete the RTL kernel.

The AXI4 interfaces defined in the top-level file contain a minimum subset of AXI4 signals required to generate an efficient, high throughput interface. Signals that are not present inherit optimized defaults when connected to the rest of the AXI system. These optimized defaults allow the system to omit AXI features that are not required, saving area and reducing complexity. If your RTL code contains AXI signals that were omitted, you can add these signals to the ports in the top-level RTL kernel file, and the IP packager will adapt to them appropriately.

The next step in the process customizes the contents of the kernel and then packages those contents into a Xilinx Object (xo) file.