XO Usage - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The use cases of AXI4 memory map I/O XO differs from AXI4-Stream I/O XO. AXI4 memory map XOs have few limitations on usage during the link stage of Vitis listed as below:

  • Only AXI4 memory map Master I/O can be used.
  • AXI4 memory map Master I/O can connect only with available slaves in the platform.
  • AXI4 memory map Master I/O cannot communicate with kernel in the design.

For XO usage during link stage:

  • To generate XO, developers can use the script available at $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO/scripts/aximm_xo_creation.sh
  • Required configuration of XO can be generated using the above script.
    $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO/scripts/aximm_xo_creation.sh --address_width <adr_width> --data_width <data_width> --id_width <id_width> --output_path <output_path>.xo 
    $XILINX_VITIS/data/emulation/XO/scripts/aximm_xo_creation.sh --address_width 64 --data_width 64 --id_width 4 --output_path sim_ipc_aximm_master.xo
  • After generating XO, it can be used in the design with configuration as shown below (sample usage, actual connection to be done based on the requirement):