Working with Summary Reports - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Generally, the Summary reports provide a great overview of the specific steps in building and profiling the application to get a good view of where the application is with regard to performance and optimization. For individual kernels, review the Compile Summary. For the device binary (xclbin), start with the Link Summary, which also loads the Compile Summaries for linked kernels. For embedded processor and Versal AI Engine systems, review the Package Summary. For profiling data related to the application execution, start with the Run Summary.

In addition, the File menu offers commands to let you open individual reports, and directories of reports.

Figure 1. Open Directory
Open Directory
Specifies a directory to open. The tool recursively examines the contents of the directory and displays a dialog box allowing you to select which type of files to open and which individual files to open.
Open Binary Container
FPGA binary, <name>.xclbin, created by the compilation and linking process as described in Building and Running the Application.
Open Report
Opens one of the report files generated by the AMD Vitis™ core development kit during compilation, linking, or running the application. The reports you can open include:
Profile Summary
Refer to Profile Summary Report.
Waveform database and waveform config file as described in Waveform View and Live Waveform Viewer.
A resource utilization report generated by the Vivado tool when you build the system hardware (HW) target.

The Vitis analyzer can also open Kernel Estimate, Operation Trace, AI Engine Trace, Timeline Trace, System Estimate, Log, and Timing Summary reports. Refer to Profiling the Application for more information on the individual reports generated by the build and run processes.

The Vitis analyzer displays log files rendered for improved readability. These improvements include line wrapping, message severity tagging (Error, Critical Warning, Warning, Info, Status), added hyperlinks to referenced files, search capability, and live log monitoring. This last feature lets you open a log file in-process and see it rendered in real time.

Viewing Report Contents

The Vitis analyzer features depend on the specific report you are viewing. When the report is structured like a spreadsheet you interact with the report like a spreadsheet, selecting rows or cells of data, and sorting columns by clicking the column header. When the report is graphical in nature, you can interact with the report by zooming into the report to view details, and zooming out to view more information. The Vitis analyzer supports the following mouse strokes to let you quickly zoom into and out of a graphical report:

Zoom In
Press and hold the left mouse button while dragging the mouse from top left to bottom right to define an area to zoom into.
Zoom Out
Press and hold the left mouse button while drawing a diagonal line from lower left to upper right. This zooms out the window by a variable amount. The length of the line drawn determines the zoom factor applied. Alternatively, press Ctrl and scroll the wheel mouse button down to zoom out.
Zoom Fit
Press and hold the left mouse button while drawing a diagonal line from lower right to upper left. The window zooms out to display the entire device.
Horizontal scrolling
In a report such as the Timeline Trace, you can hold the shift button down while scrolling the middle mouse roller to scroll across the timeline.
Press and hold the wheel mouse button while dragging to pan.