Vitis analyzer provides the capability of comparing two graphical reports when multiple reports are available, such as Timeline Trace reports, Waveform reports, or AI Engine Trace reports.
For example, in an open Timeline Trace report click the Compare link in the report toolbar menu to display a drop-down list of other Timeline Trace reports which can be compared with the current report. Vitis analyzer synchronizes the timelines with each other, as shown in the following figure, and when you scroll horizontally in one trace window both trace reports are scrolled together.
Events in the Timeline reports can be triggered at different times between the two different application runs. You can use the Time offset option report toolbar menu, as shown in the figure above, to synchronize the cursors in both windows so that a visual comparison can be carried out. When you zoom in or zoom out in the top trace window, the bottom window also zooms in or zooms out automatically.