--drc Options - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

This option lets you manage the Design Rule Check (DRC) messages returned by the Vivado Design Suite during implementation of the design. Messages can be disabled or enabled, reduced in severity, or waived to allow the design to proceed.


--drc.disable <arg>

Lets you disable the DRC message specified by the DRC ID. Disabled DRCs are not checked.

For example:

v++ --link --drc.disable TIMING-18


--drc.enable <arg>

Lets you enable the DRC message specified by the DRC ID. DRC checks that have been disabled can be re-enabled as needed.

For example:

v++ --link --drc.enable TIMING-18


--drc.severity <arg>

Change the severity of a DRC check. For example, instead of a {CRITICAL WARNING} a violation is only reported as a WARNING. The DRC must be specified by ID, and the new severity to apply.

For example:

v++ --link --drc.severity TIMING-18:Warning


--drc.waive <arg>

Lets you waive the specified DRC ID. This lets the Vivado tool proceed through implemntation, ignoring DRCs that might otherwise prevent completion of the design. A waived rule is still checked, but it is marked as waived.

For example:

v++ --link --drc.waive TIMING-18