Controlling Report Generation - 2023.1 English

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The v++ -R option (or --report_level) controls the level of information to report during compilation or linking for hardware emulation and system targets. Builds that generate fewer reports will typically run more quickly.

The command line option is as follows:

$ v++ -R <report_level>

Where <report_level> is one of the following options:

  • -R0: Minimal reports and no intermediate design checkpoints (DCP).
  • -R1: Includes R0 reports plus:
    • Identifies design characteristics to review for each kernel (report_failfast).
    • Identifies design characteristics to review for the full post-optimization design.
    • Saves post-optimization design checkpoint (DCP) file for later examination or use in the Vivado Design Suite.
    Tip: report_failfast is a utility that highlights potential device usage challenges, clock constraint problems, and potential unreachable target frequency (MHz).
  • -R2: Includes R1 reports plus:
    • Includes all standard reports from the Vivado tools, including saved DCPs after each implementation step.
    • Design characteristics to review for each SLR after placement.
  • -Restimate: Forces Vitis HLS to generate a System Estimate report, as described in System Estimate Report.
    Tip: This option is useful for the software emulation build (-t sw_emu).