Packaging Images with initramfs rootfs in the Vitis IDE - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English
When initramfs rootfs (rootfs.cpio) is provided to the Vitis IDE, the generated sd_card.img includes the following:
  • The xclbin file for PL kernel
  • The host application
  • The Linux kernel image
  • The device tree
  • The boot.scr
  • The, platform_desc.txt, and initramfs rootfs in FAT32 partition
Note: The sd_card.img file does not contain the ext4 partition.
  1. In the Vitis IDE, select File > New > Application Project to create a new application project.
  2. Select the platform (for example, xilinx_zcu102_base_202010_1), and click Next.
  3. Provide the application project name (for example, vadd).
  4. Select Create New.
  5. For the target processor, select the processor that can run the Linux domain (for example, psu_cortexa53 SMP), and click Next.
  6. In the Domain page, select the xrt domain and provide the application settings as follows:
    1. Sysroot path (for example, your_linux_component_dir/sysroots/aarch64-xilinx-linux)
    2. Root FS (for example, your_linux_component_dir/rootfs.cpio.gz.u-boot)
    3. Kernel Image (for example, your_linux_component_dir/Image)
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the application template (for example, Vector Addition).
  9. Select the system project and click the Build () button to build the project.
  10. Verify that the sd_card.img file was created in the package directory under the Emulation-SW, Emulation-HW or Hardware directory.
Note: The common Linux components package does not provide initramfs rootfs. For more information about generating initramfs rootfs, refer to PetaLinux Tools Documentation: Reference Guide (UG1144).
Tip: To change the path for sysroot, rootfs, or kernel after the application project has been created, double-click the .sprj file and change the path in the Options dialog box.