Opening the Guidance Report - 2023.1 English - UG1393

Vitis Unified Software Platform Documentation: Application Acceleration Development (UG1393)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

When kernels are compiled and when the FPGA binary is linked, guidance reports are generated automatically by the v++ command. You can view these reports in the Vitis analyzer by opening the <output_filename>.compile_summary or the <output_filename>.link_summary for the application project. The <output_filename> is the output of the v++ command.

As an example, launch the Vitis analyzer and open the report using this command:

vitis_analyzer <output_filename>.link_summary

When the Vitis analyzer opens, it displays the link summary report, as well as the compile summaries, and a collection of reports generated during the compile and link processes. Both the compile and link steps generate Guidance reports to view by clicking the Build heading on the left-hand side. Refer to Using the Vitis Analyzer for more information.