Preparing the software component - 2023.1 English - UG1553

Vitis Unified IDE and Common Command-Line Reference Manual (UG1553)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

Prepare the Common Image

You are recommended to use a common image for the software components of your platform. Refer to Common Images for Embedded Vitis Platforms for more information. If you need to create a PetaLinux image refer to Vitis Tutorial Petalinux Customization.

Create a Device Tree Binary (DTB) File

Use the createdts command in XSCT tool to generate a DTB file. The zocl driver interface requires a device tree node to enable the interrupt connection. Add the -zocl option when using this command. The following code shows the usage of this command with its options.

createdts -hw <full path of XSA file> -zocl -platform-name mydevice \
-git-branch xlnx_rel_v2021.1 -board zcu104-revc -compile
  • -platform-name: platform name.
  • -hw: hardware XSA file with path.
  • -git-branch: device tree branch.
  • -board: board name of the device. You can check the board name at /device_tree/data/kernel_dtsi.
  • -zocl: enable the zocl driver support.
  • -compile: option to compile the device tree.

The system.dtb file is created in the <mydevice>/psu_cortexaXX_0/device_tree_domain/bsp folder.