Creating a System Project - 2023.1 English - UG1553

Vitis Unified IDE and Common Command-Line Reference Manual (UG1553)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

There are a number of ways to create a System project in the new Vitis IDE. The following steps describe a recommended approach.

  1. With the Vitis IDE opened, from the main menu select File > New Component > System Project.

    Tip: You can also select the Create System Project command from the Welcome page.

    This opens the Name and Location page of the Create System Project wizard as shown below.

  2. Enter a Component name and Component location and select Next. This opens the Platform page of the wizard as shown below.

  3. Specify a platform to use for the System project and select Next. If you select an embedded platform, this opens the Embedded Components Path page of the wizard as shown below. If you select an AMD Alveo™ Data Center acceleration card, then the Summary view is displayed.

    The Embedded Component Paths specify the Kernel Image file, the Root FS, and the Sysroot required by the embedded system for compiling embedded applications, and for booting and configuring the embedded systems. These paths can be populated by the Preferences view as described in Preferences, or can be manually entered when the System project is created.

    Tip: The Update Workspace Preference check box lets you specify that any manually entered paths should also override or update the Preferences view.
  4. Click Next to display the Summary page.

    The Summary page displays the choices you have made on the prior pages. Review the summary and select Finish to create the System project, or select Back to return to earlier pages and change your selections.

When the System project is created the vitis-sys.json file for the System is opened in the central editor window, and the System project becomes active in the Flow Navigator. You can see from the red text and the red dot next to the System in the Component Explorer that it is missing key components. Provide the missing components in the next steps.