- board
Specify a Vivado board name for the HLS component to be built for. The selection of board determines the target part on the board.
Tip: This option is mutually exclusive with--part
which is described in v++ General Compilation Options. - clock
Specify the clock period in
or MHz (ns
is default). If no period is specified a default period of 10 ns is used.clock=8
- clock_uncertainty
Specify how much of the clock period is used as a margin by HLS. The margin of uncertainty is subtracted from the clock period to create an effective clock period. The clock uncertainty is defined in
, or as a percentage of the clock period. The clock uncertainty defaults to 27% of the clock period. When specifying a value, the default units isns
but % or MHz can also be used.clock_uncertainty=15%
- flow_target
Set the flow target to synthesize either a Vitis kernel (
) or a Vivado IP (.xci
). The Vitis kernel is used in the Application Acceleration flow, while the Vivado IP can be used in the embedded software design flow, as described in Vitis HLS Flow Overview .Important: There are differences in the interface definition supported by Vivado IP or Vitis kernels as explained in Introduction to Interface Synthesis.
C-Synthesis Sources
- syn.cflags
Defines compilation flags to be applied to all
defined source files for use during synthesis.syn.cflags=-I../../src/
- syn.csimflags
Defines compilation flags to be applied to all
source files for use during C-simulation or RTL/Co-simulation. - syn.file
Specify the file path and name of a source file to be used during synthesis of the HLS component. Multiple files require multiple
statements.The file paths can be specified as either absolute or relative, where relative paths are relative to the location of the config file, whether inside the HLS component or outside the component.syn.file=../../src/dct.cpp
- syn.file_cflags
Apply a compilation flag for synthesis to the specified source file. Specify the file path and name first, followed by a comma, followed by the cflags:
- syn.file_csimflags
Apply a compilation flag for simulation to the specified source file. Specify the file path and name first, followed by a comma, followed by the csimflags.
- syn.blackbox.file
Specify the JSON file to be used for an RTL blackbox. The information in this file is used by the HLS compiler during synthesis and when running RTL/Co-simulation, as described in Adding RTL Blackbox Functions.
- syn.top
Specifies the name of the function to be synthesized as the top-level function for the HLS component. This can be used to identify the top function in source code where multiple functions are defined.
Important: Any functions called by the top-level function will also become part of the HLS component.
Testbench Sources
- tb.cflags arg
Defines compilation flags to be applied to all
defined source files for use during simulation or co-simulation.tb.cflags=-Wno-unknown-pragmas
- tb.file arg
Specify the file path and name of a testbench source file to be used during simulation or co-simulation of the HLS component. Multiple files require multiple
statements.The file paths can be specified as either absolute or relative, where relative paths are relative to the location of the config file, whether inside the HLS component or outside the component.tb.file=../../src/dct_test.cpp
- tb.file_cflags arg
Apply a compilation flag for simulation or co-simulation to the specified testbench source file. Specify the file path and name first, followed by a comma, followed by the cflags:
Synthesis Output
- syn.output.file
Specifies the output file path and name for the exported file. An example command would be:
- syn.output.format
Specifies the exported format of the output generated after synthesis. The supported values are:
: Specifies that the output of synthesis should be just the generated RTL files and not the packaged IP or XO used for downstream processes.Tip: The RTL format is useful for development, analysis, and debug of the HLS component. However, to export files you must specify one of the other output formats. -
: A format suitable for adding to the Vivado IP catalog. -
: A format accepted by thev++
compiler for linking in the Vitis application acceleration flow. -
: Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design Suite. If this option is used, RTL synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado implementation can be optionally added usingvivado.flow=impl
: Generate an IP and .zip archive for use in System Generator.