Importing JSON Output Files - 2023.1 English - UG1553

Vitis Unified IDE and Common Command-Line Reference Manual (UG1553)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

You can output a single snapshot of the AI Engine status to a JSON file at any time after the device has been loaded. This is a static snapshot of the AI Engine running status, along with the events that happened before. Refer to Manual AI Engine Status Output for more information. An example command would be:

xbutil examine -r aie -d 0 -f json -o aie_status_xbutil.json

The aie_status_xbutil.json file can be imported into the Analysis view using the following specific steps.

  1. In the Summary Files section menu of the Analysis view select Import Xbutil/Xsdb JSON Output.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, set the following options.
    • Xbutil/Xsdb JSON Output File: Select the JSON file that was manually generated with the xbutil command. For example, select the file aie_status_xbutil.json.
    • AI Engine Compile Summary: Select the AI Engine compile summary file, i.e. ./Work/graph.aiecompile_summary.
    • Save Run Summary: The run summary file to be written. The run summary can be used to reload the analysis next time by Analysis > Open Summary or File > Open Recent > Summary .

The Graph and Array views are shown in the Analysis view.

Tip: If you load the JSON file before loading the compile workdir, the information will not be displayed because there is no graph report. An imported JSON file overrides any other JSON file previously set.