Defining the AI Engine Config File - 2023.1 English - UG1553

Vitis Unified IDE and Common Command-Line Reference Manual (UG1553)

Document ID
Release Date
2023.1 English

The AI Engine component configuration file contains information used for the compilation and simulation of the component. To access the file click on the Config File: hyperlink on the vitis-comp.json tab for the AI Engine component. This will open the Config File Editor in the central editor window as displayed below.

Figure 1. AI Engine Config File

For the AI Engine component the config file includes the following sections:

  • AI Engine : compiler directives for the graph design.
  • CDO: options for graph configuration and initialization in configuration data object (CDO) format.
  • Compiler Debugging: log-levels and compilation options to help analyze and debug the compilation process.
  • File: source files and include files required for building and running the component.
  • Module-Specific: compilation options specific to each kernel in the design.
  • Tracing: event trace controls to be used when running the design. Note that some event tracing requires resources in the design and can affect the performance of the design.
  • Optimizations: level of kernel optimizations, and specify the values for enabled optimizations.
  • Miscellaneous: collection of options for added functionality.
Tip: Each of the config file options has a brief description in the Vitis IDE for ease-of-use, and are also v++ --mode aie command-line options. Refer to v++ Mode AI Engine for more detailed information on the options.

There is a Search bar at the top of the Config File Editor which lets you quickly search through the options using a keyword or phrase.

The Config File Editor offers both a form-based view of the config file options, and a text-based editor that can be enabled to edit the config file directly. You can switch between the two by using the icons at the top of the editor window.

Selecting the text-based editor view from time to time is a good way to review the current contents of the config file. You can also quickly edit or add configuration commands as needed.

Tip: Remember after making changes to the config file, use the File > Save command, or Ctrl-S to save your changes. However, you can also enable the File > Auto Save command to have your work saved automatically.