The HLS component configuration file contains information used for the synthesis, simulation, and export of the component. To access the config file select the Config File hyperlink on the vitis-comp.json tab for the HLS component. This will open the Config File Editor in the central editor window as displayed below.
For the HLS component the config file includes the following sections:
- General: Provides general options for the design, such as target part, clock frequency, and flow target. These options are described at HLS: General Options.
- C Synthesis sources: Specify C/C++ source files for the HLS design. These are also described in Running C Synthesis.
- Testbench sources: Specify C/C++ test bench files and associated files used during C simulation and C/RTL Co-simulation.
- C Simulation: Specify compilation options for running C simulation as described in Running C Simulation .
- C Synthesis Settings: Specify global synthesis controls for the following categories: Array Partition, Array Stencil, Compile, Dataflow, Debug, Interface, RTL, Schedule, Unroll, Op, Storage, IP. These configuration settings are related to the config file commands described in v++ Mode HLS.
- C/RTL Cosimulation: Provide compilation options for running C/RTL Co-simulationas described in Running C/RTL Co-Simulation.
- Implementation: Specify options to control the synthesis and implementation as described in Running Implementation.
Directives: Specify directive commands in the config
file for use during C synthesis. Although very similar in syntax to
#pragma HLS
, the directives must include a<location>
field to identify what element (such as function, loop or variable, etc) of the source code the directive applies to. The directives are described in HLS Optimization Directives.
The Config File Editor offers both a form-based view of the config file options, and a text-based editor that can be enabled to edit the config file directly. You can switch between the two by using the icons at the top of the editor window.
There is a Search bar at the top of the Config File Editor which lets you quickly search through the options using a keyword or phrase.
to save your
changes after editing the config file.