General Checks - 1.0 English - PG355

Versal ACAP Soft QDR-IV SRAM Memory Controller LogiCORE IP Product Guide (PG355)

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1.0 English
  1. Verify that the system clock frequency on hardware matches the IP setting (Input System Clock Period).
  2. Verify all guidelines in the Memory Interface chapter of the Versal ACAP PCB Design User Guide (UG863) have been followed.
  3. Check the rules on the pin and bank options in QDR-IV SRAM Memory Controller (see Pin and Bank Rules).
  4. Measure voltages on the board during idle and non-idle times to ensure the voltages are set appropriately and the noise is within specifications.
    • Ensure the termination voltage regulator (VTT) is powered to VCCO/2.
  5. Scope the clock input to verify frequency and signal quality.
  6. Check the termination registers for the proper values. These are detailed in the Memory Interface chapter of the Versal ACAP PCB Design User Guide (UG863).
  7. Perform general signal integrity analysis:
    • Observe DQ, DKA, DKA#, DKB, DKB#, QKA, QKA#, QKB, and QKB# signals using a scope at the memory. View the alignment of the signals and the VIL/VIH levels during both reads and writes and the overall signal integrity.
    • Observe the Address and Command signals on a scope at the memory. View the alignment of the signals and the VIL/VIH levels and the overall signal integrity.
  8. Verify the memory parts on the board match the settings set in the Memory IP. The timing parameters must match between the IP and the physical part.
  9. Measure CK, CK#, DKA, DKA#, DKB, DKB#, QKA, QKA#, QKB, QKB#, and the system clock for duty cycle distortion and general signal integrity.
  10. Verify timing constraint rules (trace matching) are being met as documented in the Memory Interface chapter of the Versal ACAP PCB Design User Guide (UG863).