PS SD/SDIO Controller Interface - DS926

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS926)

Document ID
Release Date
1.14 English
Table 1. SD/SDIO Interface
Symbol Description 1 Min Max Units
SD/SDIO Interface DDR50 Mode
TDCDDRCLK SD device clock duty cycle 45 55 %
TSDDDRCKO1 Clock to output delay, data 2 1.0 6.8 ns
TSDDDRIVW Input valid data window 3 3.5 ns
TSDDDRDCK2 Input setup time, command 4.7 ns
TSDDDRCKD2 Input hold time, command 1.5 ns
TSDDDRCKO2 Clock to output delay, command 1.0 13.8 ns
FSDDDRCLK High-speed mode SD device clock frequency 50 MHz
SD/SDIO Interface SDR104


SD device clock duty cycle 40 60 %
TSDSDRCKO1 Clock to output delay, all output 2 1.0 3.2 ns
TSDSDR1IVW Input valid data window 3 0.5 UI
FSDSDRCLK1 SDR104 mode device clock frequency 200 MHz
SD/SDIO Interface SDR50/25


SD device clock duty cycle 40 60 %
TSDSDRCKO2 Clock to output delay, all outputs 2 1.0 6.8 ns
TSDSDR2IVW Input valid data window 3 0.3 UI
FSDSDRCLK2 SDR50 mode device clock frequency 100 MHz
SDR25 mode device clock frequency 50 MHz
SD/SDIO Interface SDR12


SD device clock duty cycle 40 60 %
TSDSDRCKO3 Clock to output delay, all outputs 1.0 36.8 ns
TSDSDRDCK3 Input setup time, all inputs 10.0 ns
TSDSDRCKD3 Input hold time, all inputs 1.5 ns
FSDSDRCLK3 SDR12 mode device clock frequency 25 MHz
SD/SDIO Interface High-Speed Mode
TDCSDHSCLK SD device clock duty cycle 47 53 %
TSDHSCKO Clock to output delay, all outputs 2 2.2 13.8 ns
TSDHSDIVW Input valid data window 3 0.35 UI
FSDHSCLK High-speed mode SD device clock frequency 50 MHz
SD/SDIO Interface Standard Mode
TDCSDSCLK SD device clock duty cycle 45 55 %
TSDSCKO Clock to output delay, all outputs –2.0 4.5 ns
TSDSDCK Input setup time, all inputs 2.0 ns
TSDSCKD Input hold time, all inputs 2.0 ns
FSDIDCLK Clock frequency in identification mode 400 KHz
FSDSCLK Standard SD device clock frequency 19 MHz
  1. The test conditions SD/SDIO standard mode (default speed mode) use an 8 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 30 pF load. For SD/SDIO high-speed mode, the test conditions use a 12 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 30 pF load. For other SD/SDIO modes, the test conditions use a 12 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 15 pF load.
  2. This specification is achieved using pre-determined DLL tuning.
  3. This specification is required for capturing input data using DLL tuning.