PS eMMC Standard Interface - DS926

Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Data Sheet: DC and AC Switching Characteristics (DS926)

Document ID
Release Date
1.14 English
Table 1. eMMC Standard Interface
Symbol Description 1 Min Max Units
eMMC Standard Interface
TDCEMMCHSCLK eMMC clock duty cycle 45 55 %
TEMMCHSCKO Clock to output delay, all outputs –2.0 4.5 ns
TEMMCHSDCK Input setup time, all inputs 2.0 ns
TEMMCHSCKD Input hold time, all inputs 2.0 ns
FEMMCHSCLK eMMC clock frequency 25 MHz
eMMC High-Speed SDR Interface
TDCEMMCHSCLK eMMC high-speed SDR clock duty cycle 45 55 %
TEMMCHSCKO Clock to output delay, all outputs 2 3.2 16.8 ns
TEMMCHSDIVW Input valid data window 3 0.4 UI
FEMMCHSCLK eMMC high speed SDR clock frequency 50 MHz
eMMC High-Speed DDR Interface
TDCEMMCDDRCLK eMMC high-speed DDR clock duty cycle 45 55 %
TEMMCDDRSCKO1 Data clock to output delay 2 2.7 7.3 ns
TEMMCDDRIVW Input valid data window 3 3.5 ns
TEMMCDDRSCKO2 Command clock to output delay 3.2 16 ns
TEMMCDDRDCK2 Command input setup time 3.9 ns
TEMMCDDRCKD2 Command input hold time 2.5 ns
FEMMCDDRCLK eMMC high-speed DDR clock frequency 50 MHz
eMMC HS200 Interface
TDCEMMCHS200CLK eMMC HS200 clock duty cycle 40 60 %
TEMMCHS200CKO Clock to output delay, all outputs 2 1.0 3.4 ns
TEMMCSDR1IVW Input valid data window 3 0.4 UI
FEMMCHS200CLK eMMC HS200 clock frequency 200 MHz
  1. The test conditions for eMMC standard mode use an 8 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 30 pF load. For eMMC high-speed mode, the test conditions use a 12 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 30 pF load. For other eMMC modes, the test conditions use a 12 mA drive strength, fast slew rate, and a 15 pF load.
  2. This specification is achieved using pre-determined DLL tuning.
  3. This specification is required for capturing input data using DLL tuning.