vitis_hls Command - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English

The vitis_hls command opens in the Vitis™ HLS integrated design environment (IDE) mode by default. However, you can also run vitis_hls interactively, specifying commands from the command line, or specifying Tcl scripts for the tool to run in batch mode.

To see what options are available for use with vitis_hls you can use the -help option:
vitis_hls -help

The vitis_hls command supports the following options:

  • -f <string>: Sources the specified file as a Tcl script of Vitis HLS commands, and executes the script.
  • -i: This option invokes the tool in interactive mode with a command prompt, ready to receive any Vitis HLS command, as documented in Project Commands, Configuration Commands, or Optimization Directives.
    Tip: When running the tool in interactive mode, you can type the help command to display a list of available Vitis HLS commands:
    vitis_hls> help
  • -l <string>: Defines the name and location of the Vitis HLS log file. By default the tool creates a log file called vitis_hls.log in the directory from which Vitis HLS was launched.
  • -n | -nosplash: Do not show the splash screen when starting the GUI.
  • -p: Open an existing project in IDE mode. Specify a project folder or Tcl file to open the project when you are launching the tool. If a Tcl file is specified it will be automatically opened in the IDE through open_tcl_project.
  • -terse: Filter stdout to only show status INFO and WARNING messages, log file will contain all messages.
  • -version: Return the version of Vitis HLS being used.

The following example launches Vitis HLS in command-line interactive (CLI) mode:

vitis_hls -i