Configures options for export_design which can either run downstream tools or package a Vivado IP or Vitis compiled kernel object (.xo).
config_export [OPTIONS]
-description <string>
- Provides a description for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
- Disables simulation-only deadlock detection in top level RTL of exported IP/XO file.
-display_name <string>
- Provides a display name for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
-format (ip_catalog | xo | syn_dcp | sysgen)
- Specifies the format to package the IP. The supported
formats are:
- A format suitable for adding to the Xilinx IP catalog.
- A format accepted by the v++ compiler for linking in the Vitis application acceleration flow.
- Synthesized checkpoint file for Vivado Design Suite. If this option is used, RTL synthesis is automatically executed. Vivado implementation can be optionally added.
- Generates a Vivado IP and .zip archive for use in System Generator.
-ipname <string>
- Provides the name component of the
(VLNV) identifier for generated IP. -
-library <string>
- Provides the library component of the
(VLNV) identifier for generated IP. -
-output <string>
- Specifies the output location of the generated IP, .xo, or DCP files. The file is written to the solution/impl folder of the current project if no output path is specified.
-rtl (verilog | VHDL)
- Specifies which HDL is used when the
option is executed. If not specified, Verilog is the default language for the Vivado synthesized netlist. -
-taxonomy <string>
- Specifies the taxonomy for the catalog entry for the generated IP, used when packaging the IP.
-vendor <string>
- Provides the vendor component of the
(VLNV) identifier for generated IP. -
-version <string>
- Provides the version component of the
(VLNV) identifier for generated IP. -
-vivado_impl_strategy <string>
- Specifies Vivado implementation strategy name. The default name is 'default'.
-vivado_ip_cache <string>
- Specifies path to Vivado IP cache for use in out-of-context synthesis.
-vivado_optimization_level (0 | 1 | 2 | 3)
Vivado optimization
level. This option sets other
options. -
-vivado_phys_opt (none | place | route | all)
- Specifies whether Vivado physical optimization should be run during Vivado implementation. Valid values are:
- Do not run (default).
- Run post-place.
- Run post-route.
- Run post-place and post-route.
-vivado_report_level (0 | 1 | 2)
- Specifies how many Vivado reports are generated. The valid values and the
associated reports are:
- Post-synthesis utilization. Post-implementation utilization and timing (default).
- Post-synthesis utilization, timing, and analysis. Post-implementation utilization, timing, and analysis.
- Post-synthesis utilization, timing, analysis, and failfast. Post-implementation utilization, timing, and failfast.
-vivado_synth_design_args <string>
- Specifies extra arguments to pass to the Vivado
command. The default is-directive sdx_optimization_effort_high
. -
-vivado_synth_strategy <string>
- Specifies Vivado synth strategy name. The default strategy is "default".
The following example exports the Vitis .xo to the specified file:
export_design -description "Kernel Export" -display_name kernel_export \
-flow impl -format xo -output "tmp/hls_tests/kernel.xo"