pragma HLS bind_op - 2020.2 English - UG1399

Vitis High-Level Synthesis User Guide (UG1399)

Document ID
Release Date
2020.2 English


Vitis HLS implements the operations in the code using specific implementations. The BIND_OP pragma specifies that for a specific variable, an operation (mul, add, div) should be mapped to a specific device resource for implementation (impl) in the RTL. If the BIND_OP pragma is not specified, Vitis HLS automatically determines the resources to use for operations.

For example, to indicate that a specific multiplier operation (mul) is implemented in the device fabric rather than a DSP, you can use the BIND_OP pragma.

You can also specify the latency of the operation using the latency option.

Important: To use the latency option, the operation must have an available multi-stage implementation. The HLS tool provides a multi-stage implementation for all basic arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, and divide), and all floating-point operations.


Place the pragma in the C source within the body of the function where the variable is defined.

#pragma HLS bind_op variable=<variable> op=<type>\
impl=<value> latency=<int>


Defines the variable to assign the BIND_OP pragma to.
Defines the operation to bind to a specific implementation resource. Supported functional operations include: mul, add, and sub
Supported floating point operations include: fadd, fsub, fdiv, fexp, flog, fmul, frsqrt, frecip, fsqrt, dadd, dsub, ddiv, dexp, dlog, dmul, drsqrt, drecip, dsqrt, hadd, hsub, hdiv, hmul, and hsqrt
Tip: Floating point operations include single precision (f), double-precision (d), and half-precision (h).
Defines the implementation to use for the specified operation.
Supported implementations for functional operations include fabric, and dsp.
Supported implementations for floating point operations include: fabric, meddsp, fulldsp, maxdsp, and primitivedsp.
Note: Primitive DSP is only available on Versal devices.
Defines the default latency for the implementation of the operation. The valid latency varies according to the specified op and impl. The default is -1, which lets Vitis HLS choose the latency.
The tables below reflect the supported combinations of operation, implementation, and latency.
Table 1. Supported Combinations of Functional Operations, Implementation, and Latency
Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency
add fabric 0 4
add dsp 0 0
mul fabric 0 4
mul dsp 0 4
sub fabric 0 4
sub dsp 0 0
Table 2. Supported Combinations of Floating Point Operations, Implementation, and Latency
Operation Implementation Min Latency Max Latency
fadd fabric 0 13
fadd fulldsp 0 12
fadd primitivedsp 0 3
fsub fabric 0 13
fsub fulldsp 0 12
fsub primitivedsp 0 3
fdiv fabric 0 29
fexp fabric 0 24
fexp meddsp 0 21
fexp fulldsp 0 30
flog fabric 0 24
flog meddsp 0 23
flog fulldsp 0 29
fmul fabric 0 9
fmul meddsp 0 9
fmul fulldsp 0 9
fmul maxdsp 0 7
fmul primitivedsp 0 4
fsqrt fabric 0 29
frsqrt fabric 0 38
frsqrt fulldsp 0 33
frecip fabric 0 37
frecip fulldsp 0 30
dadd fabric 0 13
dadd fulldsp 0 15
dsub fabric 0 13
dsub fulldsp 0 15
ddiv fabric 0 58
dexp fabric 0 40
dexp meddsp 0 45
dexp fulldsp 0 57
dlog fabric 0 38
dlog meddsp 0 49
dlog fulldsp 0 65
dmul fabric 0 10
dmul meddsp 0 13
dmul fulldsp 0 13
dmul maxdsp 0 14
dsqrt fabric 0 58
drsqrt fulldsp 0 111
drecip fulldsp 0 36
hadd fabric 0 9
hadd meddsp 0 12
hadd fulldsp 0 12
hsub fabric 0 9
hsub meddsp 0 12
hsub fulldsp 0 12
hdiv fabric 0 16
hmul fabric 0 7
hmul fulldsp 0 7
hmul maxdsp 0 9
hsqrt fabric 0 16


In the following example, a two-stage pipelined multiplier using fabric logic is specified to implement the multiplication for variable c of the function foo.

int foo (int a, int b) {
int c, d;
#pragma HLS BIND_OP variable=c op=mul impl=fabric latency=2
c = a*b;
d = a*c;
return d;
Tip: The HLS tool selects the implementation to use for variable d.